The GSDCP wishes to protect the breed and its members from being subjected to spending a great deal of money and then finding that the stock they have been sold by unsuspecting or even manipulative breeders overseas are of a breeding other than what has been disclosed and are unsuitable for breeding or registration.
With effect from March 1, 2015 no imported dog of 1 year or older will be registered without DNA. Those imported without required certification will be required to undergo the tests in Pakistan. In case of an imported dog the DNA must be proven. No laggernummer will be accepted.
To clarify, a Laggernummer means that the DNA of the particular, individual dog has been recorded on the database of the SV, whereas the history of the dog is not complete as in the case the record of either parent of that dog is not found recorded on the existing SV database.
Laggernummer will only be accepted in the case of dogs Bred in Pakistan. After January 1, 2017 this too shall cease. This is due to the database of Pakistani dogs being currently established at the SV.
All dogs imported from the following countries, will have to be re-tested for HD/ED and DNA at the time of registration in Pakistan.
This clearly means any dog or bitch not conforming to the basic requirements stated above will not be permitted to breed in Pakistan nor the pups from any such breeding will be microchipped, registered or pedigrees issued.
No dog or bitch can appear for Breed Survey without HD/ED, DNA and AD test being passed and recorded on documents and the club database.
Any dog or bitch without DNA or DNA (Sample Provided) bred from will not have its progeny registered by the GSDCP. DNA (Sample Provided) will be permitted only until December 31, 2015.
To compete at a show in Junior (12-18) month class and above the dog or bitch must have DNA. DNA (Sample Provided) will only apply till end of 2014-15 season or March 31, 2015. This ruling is considered essential for the success of the DNA scheme and has been conceived after necessary discussion with the SV that is organizing the DNA database for the GSDCP.
All dogs must have their blood samples for DNA, deposited along with Original Pedigree of the dog, with the regional Group Breed Warden. Original pedigree of dog shall be detained by Secretary, GSDCP, until such time the DNA results are proven and the pedigree stamped. The fee for DNA analysis for each dog is Rs.15,000 (subject to change without notice). In addition a service fee of Rs.1000 shall be collected by the regional Group Breed Warden. Litter registrations shall not be entertained without examination & DNA blood sample collection approval from the regional Group Breed Warden.
DNA Samples will be collected for very puppy in litters born on or after January 1, 2015, at the time of microchipping. DNA Sampling fee of Rs. 1,000 per puppy will be borne by the breeder. DNA Analysis Fee is still applicable at the time of DNA analysis and shall be borne by the owner of the dog/bitch at the time. The owner(s) of the dog/bitch must apply for DNA analysis before the dog/bitch turns 12 months of age.