Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Breeding Rules

  1. The breeding age for male dogs is 24 months and for females 20 months. It is further clarified that the female must be 20 months of age or more and the dog must be 24 months of age or more on the day of mating.
  2. If pups are born from either a male or a female who is not breed surveyed, then those pups will be issued with White Papers. If, however, either or both parents are subsequently surveyed, the breeder (only the breeder of the litter) can apply for all the pups born prior to being issued with Pink Papers after surrendering the White Papers. NO OWNER CAN APPLY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PAPERS FOR A PUPPY.
  3. The closest line breeding permissible is 3-3.
  4. To qualify for a breed survey, dogs must be graded at least “GOOD” at a dog show.
  5. Any dog with a disqualifying fault (monorchid, missing teeth etc) will not be permitted to breed, and no papers will be issued to its offspring.
  6. As per rules, no dog or bitch can be accepted for Breed Survey unless graded with the minimum qualification “GOOD”. Henceforth, pups bred from a dog or bitch not graded “GOOD” will not be eligible for micro-chipping nor will pedigree papers be issued to them. It will therefore be a requirement for the Breeder to present the Award Card in the case of a dog or bitch not Breed Surveyed to the Group Breed Warden at the time of applying for the litter to be microchipped. Group Breed Wardens are advised to ensure compliance to avoid any hardship.
  7. DNA samples for the entire litter shall be collected during microchipping. No pedigree papers shall be issued for puppies whose DNA sample has not been collected.
  8. Stud Certificates shall be issued within 15 days of mating. No Stud Certificates will be accepted if issued once the 15-day time period has passed. Stud Certificates can be issued online or a hard copy sent to the GSDCP Office via courier. In the case of hard copies, the Stud Certificate should reach the GSDCP Office no later than 15 days after mating.
  9. The breeder shall submit litter inspection requests online within 3 days of the litter's whelping date. No inspection requests shall be entertained once the stipulated 3-day period has passed.
  10. Litter Registration requests can now only be submitted if the First Litter Inspection for the litter is on file. A litter registration request shall not be entertained if the litter has not been inspected.
  11. The maximum breeding age for a female is ten (10) years, while there is no maximum breeding age for a male. A health check from a GSDCP-accredited veterinarian will be required for a bitch or dog over eight (8) years of age each time they are bred from.